Grandstream Device Management System

Can I capture UCM6300 logs remotely using the Diagnostic module of the GDMS platform?

Yes. To achieve this, the user needs to first log in to the UCM’s Web UI and enable the “Syslog” function. After that, UCM logs can be captured remotely from the GDMS platform.

Currently, UCM system logs cannot be enabled directly from the GDMS platform. If the user doesn’t enable the function in the UCM6300 web UI, the UCM logs cannot be captured from the Diagnostic module in the GDMS platform. This feature will be developed in future versions of the GDMS platform.

My newly created extensions on UCM6300 cannot be automatically synchronized to the GDMS platform, and the “SIP Extension Sync” option is grayed out and unchangeable. Why?

Please check your UCM6300’s plan. If the UCM6300 is on the “Basic Plan,” the SIP internal synchronization function will not work. To use the SIP internal synchronization function, the user needs to upgrade the UCM plan to “Open Beta” or a higher level.

I cannot see any statistical data in the “Call Quality” interface of GDMS. Why?

If the UCM6300 plan is “Open Beta” or higher, the “Call Quality” statistics module is supported. However, not all devices and hardware software versions support this feature on the current GDMS platform. The following is a list of devices that are supported by the GDMS platform’s “Call Quality” function and the minimum supported hardware software version:

  • HT813 Hardware Software
  • HT801/802/812/814 Hardware Software
  • GXV3350/3370/3380 Hardware Software
  • GRP2601/2602/2603/2604 Firmware

How can I get a more stable and secure service with the UCMRC service?

To provide a more stable and secure service, we have updated the UCM RemoteConnect (UCMRC) service system. The TLS port 5061 is now the designated port for UCMRC. If you are already registered to a UCMRC address and experiencing instability, please change the registration port to 5061 or completely remove the port number (if no port is specified, 5061 is used by default) on the registering endpoint devices. This also applies to UCM with configured peer trunk settings pointing to the UCMRC address.

Please note: The original UCMRC service port will be available for a short time and will become inaccessible after the transition period. To prevent service interruptions, it’s strongly recommended to change the registration port to 5061 or remove it as soon as possible.

My device shows as offline, but the SIP account status shows as “Registered.” Why?

The account registration status is not related to the online status of the device. The device will report both the account registration status and the online/offline status in sequence. If the device is offline, GDMS will display the account registration status based on the last reported status.

Please note: If the GDMS server receives keep-alive packets from the device, the GDMS platform will immediately update the device’s online status. If the GDMS server doesn’t receive keep-alive packets from the device for more than 5 minutes, it will update the device status to “Offline.”

How can I change the main GDMS account for my business?

This requires contacting Grandstream support. First, you can visit the main GDMS account for your business and update the relevant email address to the new one. Then, please contact Grandstream support and provide the new GDMS account username to us. Our support team will assist in migrating the GDMS account to the new one on the GDMS server.

Can I use the GDMS platform to diagnose the device remotely?

Yes. If the device is online and the user has permission to manage the device, the user can diagnose the device remotely using tools like packet capture and sending pings to the device. The user can also download captured trace files from GDMS.

How can I test GDMS APIs?

Before testing GDMS APIs, users need to enable the API Developer Mode in the GDMS platform. Users can find more details and examples about GDMS APIs by visiting the following link:


Please note that technical terms and context-specific details might require more precise translation based on your specific needs.








80, 443

Web erişimi, bellenim indirme ve yapılandırma indirme için.




80, 443

Firmware indirme ve ağ hızı algılama.





80, 443

Cihaz ve sunucu arasındaki iletişim.






STUN, Canlı tutma, cihazlardan UDP paketleri alma.






Syslog server.


UCM RemoteConnect







Web erişimi/Dalga iletişim bağlantı noktası.


UCM RemoteConnect







UCM ve GDMS arasındaki veri iletişim portu.


UCM RemoteConnect







Telefon ve UCM arasındaki iletişim portu.


Proxy Server







UCM, telefon ve proxy sunucusu arasındaki iletişim bağlantı noktası.


Proxy Server






32768 – 65535

Bir telefon proxy sunucusunu kullandığında rastgele bağlantı noktası.


What is the difference between Organization module and Site module in GDMS platform?

Please see the comparison chart below:




Genel Bakış

Bir kuruluş, farklı cihazları yönetmek için birden çok bağımsız kuruluş oluşturabilir.

Site modülü, farklı cihazları yönetmek için dahili çok seviyeli gruplar oluşturmak için kullanılır.


Seviye 1

Seviye 10

Veri İzni

Farklı kuruluşlara farklı izinler atamayı destekler. Veri izni ayrı olarak yönetilir.


Bir kuruluş için cihazlar, SIP hesapları ve şablonlar, geçerli kuruluş yöneticisi tarafından yönetilir. Yönetici, SIP hesabını belirli bir cihaza atamaya çalıştığında, yönetici yalnızca mevcut kuruluşa ait olan SIP hesabını seçebilir.

Farklı sitelere farklı izinler atanmasına izin verilmez.


N tane müşteri şirketiniz varsa, her müşteri şirketini bir kuruluş olarak kabul edebilir ve bu kuruluşun yönetim izinlerini bu müşteri şirketinin yöneticisine atayabilirsiniz.

1. Cihazları birden çok gruba (ör. farklı departmanlar veya konumlar) bölmek isterseniz, ürün yazılımını yükseltme gibi bir işlemin yönetimi için cihaz grubu için bir site oluşturabilirsiniz.

2. Yalnızca cihazlar için bir sınıflandırma olarak kullanılır ve yönetim izinleri atamaz.

When I change the SIP account on my device or update the configuration manually, will it be synchronized with GDMS?

No. If you change the SIP account configuration or other settings on the device, they will not be synchronized with GDMS. GDMS does not support backward synchronization (from the device to GDMS).

When will the model template be pushed to the device?

When the device is initially associated with the GDMS platform, it will fetch the device model template and account settings from GDMS. After the device is reset to factory defaults, it will also receive the template and account settings.

Which GDMS server should I choose, US or EU?

The GDMS Platform US server and EU server are independent servers, and data is not shared between the two. Users can still use the US GDMS server even if their current location is in the EU. If users want to transfer all data from the US server to the EU server, they will need to export important data such as SIP accounts, SIP servers, and templates, and then import them into the EU server. Afterward, users can add devices to the EU server for management, similar to the US server.

We separated the GDMS servers into US and EU servers due to GDPR policy (General Data Protection Regulation). While usage is not influenced by selecting the US server, users need to adhere to the GDPR policy and take responsibility for GDPR compliance. If the current location is in the EU, it is recommended to transfer all data from the US server to the EU server.

Why does my device constantly show as “offline”?

Your device might be experiencing one of the following issues:

  1. The TR-069 option is not enabled, or the ACS URL is not correct on the device. If your device was upgraded from an incompatible hardware software version, you might need to manually configure the ACS URL as https://acs.gdms.cloud. For more information, please refer to the “How to Configure Devices to GDMS Server Address” document on the GDMS product page.
  2. Ensure that your device is connected to the Internet.
  3. Make sure your device is powered on and functioning normally.

Why does my SIP account registration status show as “Exception” in GDMS?

You might be facing one of the following issues:

  1. The SIP account is not registered on your device.
  2. The SIP account activation option is disabled.
  3. Your SIP account configuration might have been manually changed on the device. If the SIP account configuration has been manually modified on the device, the updated information will not be synchronized with GDMS.